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Na izredno mirni in zeleni lokaciji v Vižmarjih (na koncu slepe ulice), se vam ponuja odlična priložnost za najem prostornega, svetlega in v celoti adaptiranega 3-sobnega stanovanja z ogromno teraso.
Sestava: večja spalnica,ogromna dnevna soba (izhod na teraso),manjša spalnica(izhod na teraso), jedilnica in kuhinja v enem prostoru ter kopalnica skupaj z wc.
Trenutno opremljeno z novo kuhinjo in novo kopalnico ter vsa nova bela tehnika; ostalo pohištvo po dogovoru ali pa si najemnik uredi po svojih željah s svojim pohištvom.
Stanovanje se nahaja v 1.nadstropju hiše ter mu pripada eno parkirno mesto. Vhod v hišo je skupni , z ostalimi najemniki v 1.nadstropju hiše.
Obratovalni stroški so nizki; števci so ločeni.
Na voljo za daljše časovno obdobje; primerno izključno za par ali posameznika, ki si želi(ta) komfort na ugodni lokaciji, stran od mestnega vrveža .
Zelo priporočamo! Dogovorite ogled.
In extremely quiet and location full of greenery in Vižmarje (at the end of a cul de sac), we offer you the opportunity to rent a spacious, a bright and fully renovated 3-room apartment with a huge terrace.
Composition: larger bedroom (exit to the terrace), huge living room (exit to the terrace), smaller bedroom (exit to the terrace), dining room and kitchen in one space, bathroom with toilet.
Currently equipped with a new kitchen and a new bathroom and all new appliances; other furniture by arrangement with the owner or the tenant can arrange it according to his wishes with his own furniture.
The apartment is located on the basement floor of the house and has one parking space. The entrance to the house is shared, with other tenants on the ground floor of the house.
Operating costs are low; the counters are separate.
Available for a long period of time; suitable especially and only for a couple or a single person who wants comfort in a convenient location, away from the hustle and bustle of the city.
Highly recommended! Arrange a tour.
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Jelka Perner | |
Reboljeva ulica 2 | |
Ljubljana | |
041348145 | | |